
Should Dylan Have Accepted the Nobel Prize?

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome back to From Insults to Respect. As most of you know, controversy flared upon the announcement that Bob Dylan was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature. Some heatedly argued there are others more worthy of the prize. In this vein, a guy named Rob Delany tweeted: “Bob Dylan wins the Nobel Prize for Literature? What’s next, Derek Jeter wins a Tony for his…

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Bob Dylan on Addiction

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. Today’s topic, addiction. When we see we have become addicted to something and find we are having difficulty breaking the habit, we may begin to lose some self respect. And sometimes our actions related to our addictions lead to others losing respect for us. So, it makes sense that we spend a little time giving this topic some thought….

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Bob Dylan On ADHD

by Dr. Jeffrey Rubin

To regular readers of “From Insults To Respect,” and to first time visitors, I’m delighted you’ve dropped by. From time to time, I like to enrich some ideas that I introduced in earlier posts with some relevant thoughts that Bob Dylan has shared on his Theme Time Radio Hour show. His entertaining mixture of insightful observations with songs, humor, and poetry leaves us with a…

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Bob Dylan On Laughter

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Regular visitors to “From Insults to Respect” know that from time to time I like to select one of Bob Dylan’s “Theme Time Radio Hour” shows to help enrich our understanding of an important topic. Bob’s shows have so far helped us to take an insightful look at why people might seek to insult us by calling us certain types of names, and at how…

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Bob Dylan On the Devil

Well, once again I decided to listen to one of Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour shows. This time his topic was the devil. The show begins with stirring music that sounds like an enormous storm is moving in, and then Bob says, “This is Theme Time Radio Hour and there’s hell to pay.” He then launches into a reading of a little section of John…

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Bob Dylan On The Rich and Poor

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Have you ever noticed that some rich people like to say insulting things about the poor, and some poor people like to say some insulting things about the rich. Well, since this blog is all about insults, as well as respect, let’s see if today we can throw a little sunshine on this. As followers of this blog know, from time to time, I enjoy selecting…

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Bob Dylan On Luck And Respect

by Dr. Jeffrey Rubin

You say that you’re down on your luck. Well, most of us have found ourselves down there. I know I have, so, welcome to the club. It just so happens that how you handle this period of time can lead you to lose your self-respect, and for others to also lose their respect for you; or it can be a great period of time during…

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Bob Dylan On Happiness

by Dr. Jeffrey Rubin

Today we’re going to take a look at that treasure of an emotion, happiness. Although I’ve written on this this topic twice before (see “The Desire for Happiness” and “Hope and Happiness as Emotions)” there remains much left to be said. The topic of happiness is relevant to insults and respect in a variety of ways. For example, if you tell people that your goal…

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Bob Dylan On Tears

by Dr. Jeffrey Rubin

I have discussed the topic of crying and how it relates to how much respect a person might have for the crier in several earlier posts (see here and here). In those earlier posts we looked into the following questions: If I cry when criticized, does that mean I should view myself as acting like a baby? Is it right to view someone who cries…

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Bob Dylan on Madness

As some of you may know, Bob Dylan has a show called “Theme Time Radio Hour.” As the title suggests, each episode is centered on a theme. He begins his episode on madness as follows: “Let me ask you a few questions, friends. Are you disinterested in work or family life? Do you suffer from sleep disruption? Have you had significant changes in appetite? Have…

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