
Christmas and Altruism

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults To Respect.  As I write this, it is a few days before Christmas. The season finds me increasing my tips at restaurants. Somehow, in some vague kind of way, I kind of respect myself for doing so. I wonder why? I’m not alone in increasing tip giving during the Christmas season. I know this first hand because during my Brooklyn College days…

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Empathetic: To Be, Or Not To Be?

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

In an earlier post titled, “Empathy, Kindness, and Maturity,” I heaped praise on empathy. There I spoke about a dog who had recently passed away, and how my empathy helped the owner through his anguish. Further, I presented arguments that empathy motivates individual behavior that aids in solving communal challenges. Since writing that post, I learned of a study by Sidney Blatt and his colleagues…

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