

hero cover
Love cover A great way to integrate into your own life the skills taught in the From Insults to Respect emotional intelligence curriculum is to read the “Cool Steve” trilogy, a series of three novels designed just for this purpose.  There we follow a Brooklyn boy and his friends as they struggle to find respect.

A Hero Grows in Brooklyn, the first of the three novels in the trilogy, can be previewed and is free as an ebook by clicking HERE.  It is also available free as an ebook through iTunes and Barnes and Noble.  A paperback version can be ordered through, by clicking HERE.

or directly from the publisher by clicking HERE.

Fights in the Streets, Tears in the Sand, the second of Dr. Rubin’s three novels, can be previewed and purchased as an ebook by clicking HERE; or as a paperback by clicking HERE.

Love, Sex and Respect, the final book in the trilogy, can be previewed and purchased as an ebook by clicking HERE; or as a paperback by clicking HERE.