
My Radical Psychiatrist Friend Dr. Szasz

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults To Respect. I’m Dr. Jeffrey Rubin. Typically, here on this blog I aim to write posts that suggest how we might deal with various intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts in a manner that will enhance the respect that we have for ourselves, and others have for us. But today we will look at a set of circumstances that is a bit more complicated….

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Are Mental Illnesses Really Illnesses?

And Why Do People Care?

In 1961 psychiatrist Thomas Szasz published an article in the American Psychologist titled, “The Myth of Mental Illness.” There he proposed that the set of experiences, behaviors, and thoughts viewed as “mental illness” are more aptly construed as “problems in living.”  The following year, Dr Szasz published a best selling book by the same name. Some loved it while others writhed in anger. One reviewer, for example,…

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