
Treating ADHD: If Not Drugs, Then What?

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Some children, when asked to attend to certain tasks, do so for shorter periods than most.  Some are also more energetic.  Such children are often said to have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although many doctors recommend placing children believed to have ADHD on drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall, many parents refuse to go that route.  The evidence that the drugs do not lead to…

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Einstein and Stupidity

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.”–Albert Einstein In the spring of 1914, Albert Einstein left his home in Switzerland to take a job at the University of Berlin in Germany’s capital. He was then, 35. He took the job with much misgivings.  When he was a young boy living in Germany, Einstein…

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The Myth of Ritalin’s Effectiveness

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

In a recent post titled ADHD and Psychiatric Name Calling, I reviewed studies documenting how much is currently being spent annually on ADHD drug treatments. Here are some new numbers provided by Healthline: What are we getting for this? In this post I hope to clarify this issue. As you read it, you will see phrases in blue. By clicking on each, you will be taken…

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Responding Maturely to Criticism: A John F. Kennedy Example

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Responding to negative criticism with lower developmental level skills can lead to an escalation of conflicts, violence, and the loss of valued friends. Among the benefits of utilizing higher developmental level skills are increases in how much people like and respect us. To encourage readers of this blog to think about the most helpful ways to respond to criticism, I presented a post titled “Responding to Criticism:…

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ADHD or Attention Priority Difference?

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

A few years ago I worked as a school psychologist.  One day the mother of a 12-year old boy, who we’ll call Pete, explained to me that upon the urging of one of his teachers, she took him to his pediatrician to be evaluated for ADHD.  The pediatrician asked this mother a few questions, diagnosed Pete as having ADHD, and then wrote him a prescription for…

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The Desire for Happiness

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Dealing with the frustration that goes along with challenging conflicts has some similarities to sailors dealing with stormy seas—it is best to utilize a well-rehearsed plan. For dealing with conflicts, one such plan begins with thinking of the word “DIG.”  With a little practice, we can use this word to remind us of a simple way to summarize the conflict even in the midst of…

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Crazy, Mentally Ill, and Meshuga

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Followers of this blog seek to become experts in a branch of personal interactions referred to as name-calling. Among the words and phrases used in these interactions are “crazy,” “mentally ill,” and “meshuga.” In today’s post, I hope to weave a little narrative around their use in a manner that might take the sting out of them. The Broad Use of These Words These terms…

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Dr. Thomas Szasz and Psychiatric Name Calling

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

On this blog, one of the main topics of discussion is name calling.  And, from time to time, some people have asked me what I think of the types of names psychiatrists use to talk about their patients. In response, I wrote a post titled Name Calling by Psychiatrists: Is it Time to Put a Stop to it?  It stirred up a great deal of…

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ADHD and the Wisdom of William James

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Last week’s post, titled ADHD and Psychiatric Name Calling, criticized the prevalent practice of converting concerns about a person’s ability to pay attention into medical lingo. There was a great deal of interest in the post so I decided to present another for your consideration. As I began to craft this, my thoughts went back to my most popular post, Teaching Children How to Deal with…

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ADHD and Psychiatric Name Calling

by Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Recently I published a post titled “Name Calling by Psychiatrists: Is it Time to Put a Stop to it?” Among the points that I had tried to make is that psychiatrists falsely claim that the names they use to describe patients are “diagnoses.” In actuality, all that they do is convert someone’s expressed concerns into medical jargon. I soon followed with a post titled “Psychiatric Name…

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