
Anxiety, Guilt, and Responsibility

Welcome to From Insults to Respect.  Recently, I wrote a post titled, “The Nature of Anxiety” (see HERE). It provided a general overview of this natural, enormously helpful, state of mind. The point of view that I described is in stark contrast to the common view in our society that looks upon anxiety as a negative, destructive, “abnormal” experience, a symptom of mental illness, one which…

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Bob Dylan On Families

Welcome to From Insults To Respect. Today, with some of us deeply concerned about family members dealing with the aftermath of the catastrophic hurricane, it seems to me this is an apt time to take a few minutes to think about what family means to us. For many of us, during times when we find ourselves in rough waters, our family is a lifeline, members pulling lovingly…

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The F-Word: Why People Use It

Welcome to From Insults to Respect.  One day, upon striking out in a baseball game, the F-word leaped from my mouth. I immediately looked around to see who was in earshot. I knew my teammates wouldn’t take offense, but my curse was shouted, and I feared it might have reached the ears of my coach, or some in the stands who might be wounded by the…

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The Nature of Anxiety

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. Today’s topic–anxiety. What brought me to write about it? Well, recently I published a post titled, “The Nature of Depression and Melancholy” (see HERE). Shortly afterwards, one of my readers commented that rather than depression or melancholy, he is more likely to experience anxiety, and therefore, wondered if I might write a post on it. Since how people handle anxiety can influence…

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The Nature of Depression and Melancholy

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. Today we take an interesting look at two states of being, depression and melancholy. A central difference between the two has to do with throwing insults at ourselves; when we are depressed we spend a great deal of time doing that, in melancholy, not so much. To better understand what I mean by this, and to clarify the natural…

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Bob Dylan On Work

Welcome to From Insults To Respect. These days, many are performing their jobs from home and are missing the camaraderie of their workplace. Such drastic changes in their lives, and that of their families, give us reason to reflect on what work means to us. Given the main focus of this blog, you might wonder what work has to do with respect. Well, many people…

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Learning About Respect Through Baseball

Welcome to From Insults To Respect.  My last post, Baseball and Respect, aimed to provide keen insights about the nature of respect, insights that are relevant way beyond the world of baseball. To this end, we looked at the reasons some players and fans have given for singling out ballplayers they particularly respect. As I was getting ready to finish that post, I felt frustrated because I had…

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Baseball and Respect

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. The game of baseball offers us a unique look at the nature of respect for two reasons. First, the game provides several unusually objective statistics that give us a pretty good idea of the talent of a player. In many other fields, such as art or teaching, the criteria for talent is far less objective. Second, we find that despite…

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Bob Dylan On Baseball

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults To Respect. The Baseball season is in high gear, so let’s listen to one of its greatest fans, Bob Dylan. Listening to Bob’s Baseball Show It begins with a few brief notes from an organ you might hear at a ball park. Then we hear a crowd apparently getting stirred up just as a game is about to get underway. And then we…

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Leadership: A Lao Tzu Perspective

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults To Respect. From time to time, many of us find ourselves in a position of leadership. This may come about because we are a parent, or asked to plan a trip with some friends, or hired to be a supervisor in some business, or elected to some political office. Each time we take on the role of a leader, we also take…

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