
Is Inflation Really Biden’s Fault?

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. Today, we discuss Donald Trump and his supporters taking cheap shots seeking to blame President Biden for inflation. They are doing this despite the overwhelming evidence that countries around the world, regardless of whether they are led by very conservative or liberal governments, have been experiencing inflation. Moreover, it is factually undeniable that the annual inflation rates for dozens and dozens of goods routinely purchased by American households – including food – were already at their highest levels before Biden entered the White House in 2021.

Two reasons for those spikes in prices have to do with the COVID-19 relief spending enacted under Trump’s administration with overwhelming Republican support, and so many people becoming sick from the virus, thereby leading to an inability to obtain sufficient supplies and services. Such shortages, as any economist will be eager to explain, lead to increases in costs. Suppliers, unable to get all of their usual amount of goods to customers, can’t sell as much of those items so they raise prices to make up for the resulting losses, while consumers, struggling to obtain these supplies as well as needed services, are forced to pay more rather than to do without.

Another driver of inflation began in February, 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine. This created uncertainty in oil and gas markets, leading to spikes in prices, as well as disruptions to food supplies, especially stocks of wheat. These events occurred against a backdrop of record heat waves, floods, and other weather events caused by climate change which exacerbated food shortages in many parts of the world.

In seeking to blame Biden, Trump supporters ignore that it was Trump who appointed Jerome Powell to head the Federal Reserve. Congress approved Powell for the position because of his excellent credentials, and he continues his term under President Biden.

The Federal Reserve has a dual mandate, keeping inflation in check and maximizing employment. Though Republican congressional leaders are blaming Biden for inflation, they are silent about taking any responsibility for approving the person whose actual job is controlling inflation.
That said, don’t think I’m seeking to blame Powell for inflation rather than Biden. I’m confident Powell is doing a competent job under terribly difficult circumstances. But for Trump and congressional leaders to instead blame Biden is, it seems to me, a pretty cheap shot.

If I was a news reporter, every time I heard Trump or a Trump supporting congressional leader blame Biden for inflation, I would look them in the eye and ask, “Do you really think inflation is Biden’s fault?” Oh, I have no doubt that in reply, they will point at one policy or another that may or may not have had some tiny effects on inflation, just as Democrats can similarly do when pointing to policies supported by Trump and his administration.

As for me, I think the respectable thing to do at this point is to ditch the insults and blaming and admit that the Trump and Biden administration, along with congressional leaders all struggled to deal with the incredible challenges of the international pandemic. None of them wanted the country to have inflation, and in seeking to contain it, made the best decisions they could come up with. It’s long time to put all of this blaming behind us and get on with the work that lies ahead.
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Is It Fair Blaming Biden For Inflation?

About the Author

Jeffrey Rubin grew up in Brooklyn and received his PhD from the University of Minnesota. In his earlier life, he worked in clinical settings, schools, and a juvenile correctional facility. More recently, he authored three novels, A Hero Grows in Brooklyn, Fights in the Streets, Tears in the Sand, and Love, Sex, and Respect (information about these novels can be found at Currently, he writes a blog titled “From Insults to Respect” that features suggestions for working through conflict, dealing with anger, and supporting respectful relationships.

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